Monday, September 5, 2011


Well we have been in school for 10 days and off to a good start. I am forcing myself to do more Teach/Okay moments and the kids seem to really like it. I always have a few who do not want to follow directions quickly and I just use the scoreboard and give them a second chance. They usually respond after that.

I do have quite a few boys this year (15 out of 23). Most are well behaved and comply with the class procedures. I know I need to wait a few months before I introduce the white practice cards, but I still have a few students who are consistently not following the procedures especially procedure two. I believe they are so used to yelling out comments and answers they are not used to me and my whole brain teaching. We will get there.

I am going to start a new goal of NOT YELLING to/at the class. I believe I have a loud normal speaking voice and always try to not yell.

I need to treat each student special because I do not know what battles they are fighting.

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