Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have been using WBT for six years and this is the first year I have had to use the GUFF counter. It seems to be working well and I enjoy it. I have 3-4 students who like to back talk and moan and groan after an assignment is giving.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Super Improvers

Really excited about using The Super Improver Wall. I just have to figure out where to put it. I am in a portable and space is at a premium. I have so many things required to have up by the district. I was thinking about posting their cards in different spots in the room instead of all on one big long poster. What do you think?

Monday, September 5, 2011


Well we have been in school for 10 days and off to a good start. I am forcing myself to do more Teach/Okay moments and the kids seem to really like it. I always have a few who do not want to follow directions quickly and I just use the scoreboard and give them a second chance. They usually respond after that.

I do have quite a few boys this year (15 out of 23). Most are well behaved and comply with the class procedures. I know I need to wait a few months before I introduce the white practice cards, but I still have a few students who are consistently not following the procedures especially procedure two. I believe they are so used to yelling out comments and answers they are not used to me and my whole brain teaching. We will get there.

I am going to start a new goal of NOT YELLING to/at the class. I believe I have a loud normal speaking voice and always try to not yell.

I need to treat each student special because I do not know what battles they are fighting.